January is usually a cold month for people residing near the Daytona Beach in Florida. The temperature in this place during this month can dip as low as below freezing. This situation, though, does not only affect people but also animals, including dogs. This pit bull named River was found shivering on the shore.
Good thing, during that time, police officers from the local community were patrolling. They immediately took action and rescued the poor pooch. The police officers wrapped a blanket around the shivering River, so it could help in warming the pooch.
The police officers then brought the dog to the Halifax Humane Society so that River would receive the care she needs. At the shelter, River was given food as well as water for her to regain her strength. According to Barry KuKes, the director of the sanctuary, the pooch did not incur any injury.
But while this may be the case, Barry wants to make sure that the pooch is safe. This is the reason why a veterinarian checked on the pooch. Since the pooch has no microchip, the volunteers assumed that River was a stray.
One of the police officers, Kera Cantrell, who rescued the pooch pitied River for this. When she held the pooch on her arms, she felt the instant connection. This led to Kera’s decision to adopt River for good.
According to Kera, she has been looking for a pooch to adopt, and it is a blessing in disguise that she met with River. Kera added that she plans to train River to become a police dog so that the dog can help her in her function. For Kera, this way, the dog could also save the lives of other people as well as dogs. River is now staying with Kera in her new home.
Credits to RADIO.COM.