How do our paws communicate their needs and wants if they are happy or scared? If they are angry? They express their feelings to us through their body movements and their barks, their growls, and their whimpers. Do we know how to listen and watch their cues?
You can see if your dog is happy. Their body is relaxed. You can see it in their eyes and mouth.
Playful wagging their tail, they do a play bow, ears up, jumping with excitement.
Friendliness is shown when your dog will lick another dog’s face in greeting. Or a dog will lick a person’s hands after sniffing is a form of greeting.
Your dog will tilt its head to one side. His ears may point forward, and his eyes are alert. His body tense and tail wagging slowly.
A dog will stamp his feet, alternating its left and right front legs when he wants something or trying to catch your attention. A long stare or eye contact shows your dog wants something or is trying to tell you something.
He may sit and stare or put his head on your lap and stare at you.
Your dog is trying to get your attention, may moan and groan.
An anxious dog may hide, turn away.
Your dog may pull his tail in between his legs, ears down, and crouches to the ground, even tremble. It may be showing fear.
When your dog exposes his teeth, he narrows his eyes, tight and tense body, showing aggression. He may growl, snarl, bark aggressively and may snap his jaw.
A dog is preparing to attack when he doesn’t move, stand with braced legs, and crouch low. You may even notice their hair go up and puff up on their backs, also called piloerection.
When your dog bows his head, he flattens his ears, tail down, raises his front paw, rolls or lies on his back, belly up, and grin, showing submission.